Antville Project

Author email...

...I'm just carrying the results of a help thread to the (hopefully) right place:

't would be nice to be able to access the email of an author in addition too his/her url. shouldn't be too hard to add this feature, for usage like in:

< % as=email % >

matching the now available

< % as=link % >


hns, June 12, 2002 at 9:22:48 AM CEST

yes, sure

actually, this should be possible by simply entering "" into the url field of your profile page. But I just tried it and our software is .... um .... smart enough to prepend "http://" to that. I guess it would be enough if we fixed that - or would you still prefer to have the as=email option? (One problem I see with this is that especially for comments, people may prefer not to have their email address exposed, and the nice thing about the profile/url setting is that people choose which, if any, communication channel to expose.) (Maybe we should make it clearer that profile/url may contain a mailto: - once it handles it correctly, that is.)


robert, June 12, 2002 at 9:51:35 AM CEST


prepending "http://" was necessary because too many users forgot that (which lead to a bunch of broken links) - but maybe we should change that so that the check is done within rendering-time. anyway, afaik wortwerkstatt (and the thread in, this should work differently: a link called "email" (and not the user's name) which links to the email-address of the author. now we could add the following new attribute: <% as="link" to="email" %>, but this wouldn't work exactly the same way (because it would still display the username instead of the standard text).


Chronistin, June 12, 2002 at 10:26:54 AM CEST

lots of ideas...

I think that using the url-field interchangeably would confuse many (most) people, and it would be more consistent to do it like Robert said. using the name of the author as link is fine & more fitting with the general look&feel of antville than my original idea.


hns, June 12, 2002 at 10:34:58 AM CEST

i think the confusion factor

depends on how we label the field. If we say "email or url to display on postings (leave empty if you wish)", it wouldn't be too confusing. We would check for ":" and "@" and add the necessary "http://" or "mailto:" if necessary (robert, I don't think it's an issue of create-time vs. runtime, it's just that we should make our checks smarter).

The reason why I promote taking this slightly more complex route is that it puts the power on what information to display where I think it belongs, and that is in the hand of users, not site owners.


Chronistin, June 12, 2002 at 10:52:05 AM CEST

I beg to differ ;)

hns, doing it that way would mean that you can have EITHER an url OR an email for a user. 't would be much more nicer to have both!


hns, June 12, 2002 at 10:56:00 AM CEST

then (IMHO)

we'd have to add options in the profile page to let users decide whether url and email should be exposed. I agree that this (i.e. adding two checkboxes to the profile page) would probably be easier than what I proposed before.

Also, if you want both url and email address to be displayed, you do need to set the anchor text of the link/email to something different than the author's name, since having the author's name twice, once with url and once with email address, would be confusing (to put it mildly).


Chronistin, June 12, 2002 at 12:03:40 PM CEST

hadn't thought of that...

but you are right. Using the mail-link for storyauthors & the url-link for commentauthors wouldn't make sense to anyone other than me, myself & I ...



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