Antville Project

renderTextPreview and stripTags

Id like to add a feature request to the renderTextPreview function - Im using the text_macro with limiter in the story preview skin for the reason to make long postings possible without messing up the übersichtlichkeit of the frontpage. but of course when the tags are stripped automatically then its not that übersichtlich either... (and, is there an english word for übersichtlich? ;)


cab, June 12, 2002 at 3:17:58 PM CEST


übersichtlich could be clearly

:) greets


... comment
tobi, June 12, 2002 at 4:16:45 PM CEST


so what exactly is your request, then?


olex, June 12, 2002 at 5:10:52 PM CEST

tobi, the request is to be able to limit a textlength without automatically stripping the tags...


tobi, June 12, 2002 at 5:19:08 PM CEST


now i got it. i think the stripping of the tags has a very comfortable implication, that is to say that we don't have to care about open html tags when cutting off a piece of trailing text, y'see?

currently, i don't have a clue how to provide such functionality the easy way...


olex, June 12, 2002 at 5:40:41 PM CEST

oh well, didnt think of that, hmmm. what it would need is to only convert linebrakes back to <br> - or, one could use encode() instead of stripTags() for that and dont care about ugly rendered and nonfunctional tags.


tobi, June 12, 2002 at 6:05:49 PM CEST

i see

a function (or extension of renderTextPreview) that returns everything encoded instead of stripped should be something i could do. question is just if that really increases the übersichtlichkeit you desired? let's see...


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