Antville Project

the road to 1.0?

here's a list of (missing) features or things that should change in antville as a result of an evening in a "gastgarten" where hns and i talked about the rough "roadmap" towards antville 1.0. i hope i got everything right and didn't forget something, and sorry for not posting it sooner. the names in brackets indicate those responsible for implementing.

  • Names of DB-Columns/Tables will be prefixed (or renamed to avoid usage of reserved names), plus adding SQL-scripts for other databases (at least oracle) [robert]
  • the content of a story (which is now stored in separate columns, "TITLE" and "TEXT") will be stored as XML in just *one* column in the database. the reason is that stories can be "extended" with new parts (eg. lead-text, abstract, link ...) by simply modifying the form for creating a new story (input-tags could be named ie. "content:title"). eventually the story-table in database is extended with a single column containing the plain text of the whole story-content for keyword-search [hns]
  • the language of system-messages changes according to system-language or weblog-language. all system-messages are basically skins that are defined in separate language-files (one for each) and can be reached at[language-code]. this is already in CVS, for more see this posting.
  • antclick will include McCoi as database instead of HSQLdb [hns]
  • antville-setup: antville will provide a browser-based setup, meaning that parameters (like enabling/disabling auto-cleanup, language-settings, directories etc.) will be changeable without having to fiddle around in [robert, already in process].
  • enable/disable posting of comments for each story
  • two new macros: one for embedding the recent n stories located in a topic, and the other one for embedding a story/poll with a given id. with these macros users can customize the frontpage of their weblog.
  • navigation issues: see hns's proposal for details

plus some ideas that could be part of version 1.0, but 'til now are not more than brief concepts:

  • theme-support: every owner/admin of a weblog can export the design (meaning skins and those images referenced in skins) into a "theme", which then can be downloaded and imported by others. importing themes will support "theme-preview" (meaning that one can safely test a theme within the own weblog).
  • integration of PARSS-functionality in antville: the idea behind is that users should be able to subscribe RSS-feeds which are displayed as "simple weblogs" in antville. from there one can easily use an RSS-item as basis for a new post in a weblog. this is still subject to discuss (tobi and hns can tell a lot more about that).

all of the above features are still open to discussion. and of course everybody is welcome to contribute (ideas/code).


tobi, June 12, 2002 at 4:20:42 PM CEST


just to know if it still makes sense to contribute: which of the features marked with a name in bracktes are in progress, already (except those where it's stated)?


robert, June 12, 2002 at 4:33:59 PM CEST

it always

makes sense to contribute (and of course it's warmly welcome!) - actually the whole antville is in progress, i think :-). as far as i'm concerned: i'm nearly done with the application-message-stuff and i'm working on the setup-part now, but i don't know how far hns is.


hns, June 12, 2002 at 4:54:17 PM CEST

I'm almost done

with XMLization of story content. The good news is that it works great. I think this is going to be a killer feature. There's still some unsolved issues with conversion of existing stories, which is done right now only when stories are accessed by Helma, but I think we'll find a solution for that. I'll probably create a new CVS branch (sigh, too much branching going on here, but this definitely requires one) and describe what I've done here on the project weblog later today.

Tobi, I'm sorry if you feel left out, but this is not different from the way we always worked - come up with ideas, try if they work, and if they do present them here and see what the others think. That's what Robert did with message internationalization a couple of days ago and what I'll do with XMLization of content (hopefully) later today. I just said I want to try see if it works, and in fact I had to tweak the XML extension a bit to get it working, and only today I know that this is a viable way to go (I'll still have to convince you and Robert, though).

Regarding HSQLDB/Mckoi: I think that Mckoi will be the better db choice for us, but we have to wait for the next release to get the memory leak bug fixed. I thought that I would be able to look into Mckoi myself for a fix, but so far I haven't come around to really do it.


tobi, June 12, 2002 at 5:17:22 PM CEST


no reason to feel sorry. i have none either to feel left out. :)

i even already saw the list robert scribbled on paper just wanted to get some more details and clues about where i (and others) could be helpful. if anything, my posting just might encourage to communicate as much as possible (which is not always the case but i think we're pretty good, though).

no intention to question the general way how antville is developed. i do very fine here and i hope you are doing, too.

regarding mckoi: at least we have a working fallback with hsqldb... (cry!)


hns, June 12, 2002 at 7:02:01 PM CEST

Just to let you know

my store-content-as-XML patch is now in the CVS in the branch called xml_content, but I'm to tired/lazy to explain the full thing here on the weblog today. I'll do that tomorrow. Have a nice evening!


robert, June 13, 2002 at 10:37:56 AM CEST

this rocks!

i just checked it out from CVS and gave it a try: it's working fine, and i'm totally blown away when i start thinking of all the things that are possible now :-)


hns, June 13, 2002 at 11:24:30 AM CEST


the way I think about antville and the role it will play in my future has changed fundamentally since I know this would work, and work so well. I even had a "this is too good to give it away" kind of crisis, but I'm over that now.


... comment
kris, June 13, 2002 at 1:36:06 PM CEST

"special characters"

how hard is it to allow blanks, underlines etc. in username?


... comment

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