Antville Project

Strange GROUPis from nowhere

In order to port antville to oracle 8i i got a problem with the GROUP BY clause of SELECT statements. It seems for oracle you must declare every columns position.

I removed the clauses out of story's and weblog's macro.js for tests.

now restarting hop i still get the same error: [HopMacro error: helma.scripting.ScriptingException: Error retrieving NodeIDs: ORA-00979: not a GROUP BY expression ]

searching the statement in the sourcecode of hop i found the GROUP BY clause only in which doesn't import FESI. At a first view this can't throw a ScriptingException.

someone can put light on this phenomenon?

thanks in advance roland


kris, June 12, 2002 at 5:24:31 PM CEST


why are you working with oracle? are you trying to connect antville with other webapps? i'm asking because i'm experimenting with replacing an overcomplex cms with antville plus some extensions.

(sorry, but i can't answer your actual question.)


... comment
hns, June 12, 2002 at 5:49:32 PM CEST

Just in case somebody is interested

the thread is continued on the Helma mailing list

kris: some people simply have strong preferences regarding RDBMSs, and Oracle is a very popular choice.


kris, June 12, 2002 at 6:12:07 PM CEST

i'm in

i just signed up to the mailing list.

regarding oracle: my question should not be considered as an implicit statement against oracle or for some other database. i ask because i work on a site served by hyperwave (which can use oracle as db). i expected that roland was using helma and an additional webapp on the same database.


rolandk, June 12, 2002 at 8:12:04 PM CEST

no no

I use oracle simply because we have a sun server w/ oracle licence that actually doesn't run nothing.

hns you told me once that some people run helma with oracle? but they didn't modify the code !?

i propose to continue the discussion on the helma list... sorry, but i was not sure if it is an antville or helma topic...


robert, June 12, 2002 at 10:15:01 PM CEST


we're running helma with an oracle-db in the backend. it's fascinating but we never ran into that problem (although we're using both helma and oracle since years ;-), and 'til now i didn't test antville with that db.


... comment

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