Antville Project

problems with the image macro and images in general

the new parameters as="popup" and as="thumbnail" in the image macro fail if the image doesn't have a thumbnail. why don't you make the creation of thumbnails a default and not an option? i can't think of any situation where someone doesn't want to create a thumbnails.

also: the possibility to change the image name can result in data loss. imagine i upload a gif called "image1". its filename will be "image1.gif". i can rename the image name into "image2", but the filename will remain "image1.gif". the image file will be overwritten when i upload a new gif called "image1". i propose that only alt-attribute of an image should be editable. the image name is not that important and if you want to change the name you can always delete it and upload it with a new name.

(when you change the image scripts here is an old related suggestion.)


tobi, June 17, 2002 at 2:46:10 PM CEST

well, if you think about small images like the antville logo etc. it does not make much sense to create a thumbnail (a reduction of its size wouldn't be very helpful and the same size would be redundant).

so i rather suggest i'll try to fix the thumbnail/popup macros, first...

concerning your description of how an image can be overwritten by accident i consider this as a bug that should be fixed, anyway.


kris, June 17, 2002 at 3:06:12 PM CEST

small images

how about that? you can create thumbnails for all images with maximum height/width greater than 100 px. for smaller ones you use the image itself as thumbnail.

dropping the "create thumbnail" check box would be really nice, because some newbies don't create thumbs for bigger images (don't ask me why. maybe because it is an option and they don't see a point in it. ) and this looks ugly in the image manager.


tobi, June 17, 2002 at 3:08:40 PM CEST

big images need thumbnails, generally

i totally agree. +1 for leaving away the "create thumbnail" checkbox.


robert, June 18, 2002 at 9:17:43 AM CEST


+1 for generally creating thumbs if > 100px.


Chronistin, June 18, 2002 at 10:53:36 AM CEST

speaking about thumbnails...

...I got a major error last night when uploading a .gif with the thumbnail-option checked. Uploading without a thumbnail worked without problem. Is this a known issue or should I reproduce the error to get the error message? (Was too tired to do it right away)


robert, June 18, 2002 at 10:56:45 AM CEST

that is

a nasty known error that happens with some gifs when trying to resize them. i still didn't know what makes those gifs unresizeable, so if you could reproduce that error it might be helpful (maybe you could also send me the gif via mail?). i mean we can catch that error, but i'd like to know what's the problem.


Chronistin, June 18, 2002 at 11:16:25 AM CEST

Mail ist unterwegs.


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