Antville Project

minor issues

1.) if Weblogs are not online, they are still accessable by not registered Users -> would be nice to have "private" (=not online) weblogs, which are not accessable for others (non Contributors). 2.) is there any sense to assign users with Admin-Rights, but not with Contributor-Rights? 3.) Signup is always displayed, also when the user is already a member. 4.) Admins can delete other people's comments but not their stories. Does that make sense? 5.) i couldn't find out what the property "archive" of a weblog does. 6.) image is missing "width" and "height"-macro. 7.) story/main shows "login to add your comment", but story/preview shows "add comment" for the same user. 8.) "create story link" is displayed also for anonymous users, although they are not allowed to do that.

i now got an overview of the source, and think that i would be able to do some of the fixes on my own. but wanted to have your opinion/approval of that first.


michi, July 5, 2001 at 12:12:29 PM CEST


does anybody have experience here about multi-lingual application? how and where would we store all the user-messages. globally in long text-files or deeply nested within each file. +1 for the first option, but i wouldn't know how to implement that best.


robert, July 5, 2001 at 6:46:29 PM CEST

two ways seem to be possible:

  1. store the messages in one file (xml-structure), load it with onstart() and assign it as property to the app-object.
  2. hannes told me about the way internationalisation is done in java-programs, but i didn't have the time for further investigation 'til now.


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robert, July 5, 2001 at 6:54:23 PM CEST

ad 1) simply not implemented, but part of the todo-list ;-) ad 2) makes definetly no sense, because admins have the same rights as contributors (plus several more). should be done with a select-box instead. ad 3) i don't think this is too bad, and i didn't want to create a new macro just for this navigation element. ad 4) also admins can only delete the stories they wrote (i thought this makes sense), not those of other admins or contributors. for messages this is different because sometimes it might be needed to remove the postings of another user ad 5) the property is just for those weblogs that want to disable the archive (and just removing the calendar is not enought because one could easily step back by playing with the url ...) but it's not implemented 'til now. ad 6) i don't know why one would need a width- or height-macro within images ... ad 7) this is because the link "add your comment" does not care about whether the user is logged in or not, but the other link just appears when the user is not logged in.

ad 8) oops, but it's not that bad since you'll get an impression what you could do if you log in ;-))


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