Antville Project

where is getLasterror() defined?

I just cvs'ed antville and built antclick for my home machine. When I try to get referrers eg I get the following.

[HopMacro error: helma.scripting.ScriptingException: Runtime error The function 'getLasterror' is not defined for object '[Database: ' - connected]' detected at line 564 of function 'listReferrers_macro' in file: 'C:\depot\hop\helma\dist\antclick- 1.0pre1\apps\antville\site\macros.js']

grep says ./antville/site/macros.js:564: var dbError = c.getLasterror(); ./antville/site/macros.js:572: var dbError = c.getLasterror();

If I comment out a few lines around dbError check, referrers are returned. getLasterror() doesn't seem to be defined anywhere in antville code. Is it defined somewhere else eg Java or the mysql driver?



PS is this kind of question appropriate for this blog? Or should it go to the mailing list?


hns, July 11, 2002 at 12:17:05 AM CEST

Don't know what's going wrong here

The getLasterror() function is called on the database connection object, which is an internally created object (a JavaScript wrapper around the JDBC connection object) - that's why the function isn't defined in the Antville code. Strange though. What version of mm.mysql driver are you using - the one from the Helma CVS?

PS: yes, this is definitely the right place for questions like these.


hjh, July 11, 2002 at 12:35:42 AM CEST

mysql driver from Helma CVS

I think I am using the driver from helma/lib/mysql.jar CVS version 1.5.

C:\depot\hop\helma\dist\antclick-1.0pre1\lib>ls -l mysql.jar -rw-r--r-- 1 hjh None 125901 Jul 9 18:25 mysql.jar C:\depot\hop\helma\dist\antclick-1.0pre1\lib>cksum mysql.jar 2853256183 125901 mysql.jar

Just downloaded it again and checksums match. MySQL I am using is version 3.23.47-nt. FYI, I am using JDK1.4 but I don't think it matters.

thanks, -jay


hns, July 11, 2002 at 12:37:36 AM CEST

I'll take a deeper look tomorrow

(past midnight here already)


... comment
hns, July 11, 2002 at 7:47:32 PM CEST

Hi Jay

I found the error. It was simply a problem of upper and lower case - the proper spelling is c.getLastError(), not c.getLasterror(). It's fixed in CVS now.

Thanks for reporting!


... comment

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