Antville Project


take a look on help.antville.ant stattkatze has lost her blog and help.ant is no longer readable. i once read in a log that some guy has confused the whole village because he had done stg wrong in some stylesheet or so - i dont know who that was or why it occurred just wanted 2 inform u HENSO - maybe this can be repaired. be so kind to go 2 help.ant i dont know whats going on there thx woelfin alpha.ant


stattkatze, July 14, 2002 at 10:04:25 PM CEST

i am so sorry...

i posted the source code in question into my comment to make things easier. (basically a non closed title tag) which seems to have not only made my site but also the help site unreadable. i am sorry!


alpha, July 14, 2002 at 10:13:06 PM CEST

it s ok stattkatze

same thing happened to me with my russian transcription i could not post it because it was automatically transferred as it is html code i just hope they can save help.ant and stattkatze ant. i d panic in your situation, but as you dont accept comments its easy for u to store the stories on your hard disk as well - they are good and it would be a pity! it ll work out well, a similar thing already happened in a bigger extent to the whole village but as i said: i dont know exactly at which occasion. WHERE ARE U HENSO??? lg woelfin alpha.ant


stattkatze, July 14, 2002 at 10:17:02 PM CEST


guess the ants will shoot me now ...

i am such an idiot. i should have known that posting code is tricky.


robert, July 14, 2002 at 10:36:36 PM CEST

solved your problem

and what you messed up in too. for a short explanation see


stattkatze, July 14, 2002 at 10:45:27 PM CEST


messed up is a gentle way of putting it. sorry again. and bless you.


... comment
alpha, July 14, 2002 at 10:19:28 PM CEST

noone will shoot you

its just help.ant which went FLĂ–TEN (apart from yours!!), i m sure henso is tricky enough to delete the code you posted, he seems to be the admin of help.ant! i m only terrified by the possibility of a whole earthquake in the village... it means a lot to me and 2 U, too! lg woelfin alpha.ant


alpha, July 15, 2002 at 12:55:49 AM CEST

thx a lot robert

for your time + explanation! lg woelfin alpha.ant


... comment

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