Antville Project


yesterday, i quickly added some code to the antville installation at (ie. what will become the future website) and fulfilled a desire i've had since i began writing parts of the helma documentation: creating shortcuts.

i don't know if or how this could be related to a request over at but here is how it works:

you create a short cut by entering its title (ie. the name you will use for it later) and the content (ie. what you want to spare yourself writing all the time) and then include it in a story or skin via a new macro <% shortcut name="shortcutTitle" %> (quite similar as you might be used to do with images or links).

hence, the macro will be replaced by the corresponding content of the shortcut which title equals the name parameter.

here's a screenshot of how it looks at hopdev: screenshot of shortcuts section

e.g. the third shortcut is called by <% shortcut name="FESI" %&gt, and produces FESI as output.

and now my question: should this get into the main cvs branch of antville or not?


tobi, July 16, 2002 at 11:13:31 AM CEST


this was a quick and dirty but nevertheless necessary hack. i also have a little bit more complex alternative suggestion how such snapshots could be implemented, even without further prototypes and database tables: if stories could be included in other stories.


robert, July 16, 2002 at 12:02:45 PM CEST


first i think this is a really cool feature. but then i don't know how much it would be used, or to put it the other way: how big is the chance this would be "dead functionality"?

might be a minor problem, but what imo doesn't fit to "shortcut" is having to write (or copy/paste) a pretty verbose (nevertheless readable) macro-tag to embed it. how about using the same syntax as for topic-links (<* FESI *>), and have the function that does the replacing first look for a topic and - if none exists with that name - check for shortcuts?


tobi, July 16, 2002 at 12:14:21 PM CEST

it's definitely even better to have even shorter access methods.

however, my first intention is met with what i did, and that was to remember the title of the shortcut instead of a url (which i cannot remember at all) or the like.

(i also was turned off from using topic syntax because the wikistuff was not working at all, recently.)

my suggestion: try it out when you rewrite your install guides at hopdev... it's such an ease already. if it gets even better: excellent!

so let's be more general: do you think a functionality like this should go into antville?


tobi, July 16, 2002 at 12:18:00 PM CEST

@ dead functionality

probably this is a feature that's just as dead as the wiki features. but this might be kinda bloody opinion from me. ;->


robert, July 16, 2002 at 12:37:47 PM CEST

the fact that shortcuts are an ease for your documentation-reworking is imo a strong point for putting it into the main branch (and i fear the day when i have to rewrite the install guides ;-)

ad topic-links: this should already be fixed in CVS.

the problem with using topic-syntax for shortcuts too might be that we're mixing two different things (one might get unwanted results if a shortcut is later overwritten by a newly created topic). nevertheless i see some similarities between those two.


hns, July 17, 2002 at 3:14:39 PM CEST


the topic/wiki functionality is a dead feature, it might be an idea to do shortcuts instead of the wiki thing. I think that if we want to keep the wiki thing, we redesign the feature (e.g. add a "wiki shortcut" property to stories to allow to wiki-link single stories).


... comment
hns, July 16, 2002 at 7:14:16 PM CEST

interesting idea

but I'd prefer to infact implement this with story objects (maybe a sub-prototype) and eventually couple it with a newly designed wiki functionality. Really gotta get cooking and eating now, so more later.


hns, July 17, 2002 at 3:13:13 PM CEST


please ignore the above comment - after thinking a bit more about it, i don't think this should be implemented via story sub-prototypes.


... comment

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