Antville Project

New hack: fetch image by URL

I just created a new feature that allows users to add images to the Antville image pool by fetching them from a URL in addition to uploading them from a local disk.

[screenshot] [/screenshot]

As you can imagine, this is very handy when it comes to using pictures that are already on the net. Do you want this feature to go into Antville 1.0?


Gero, July 18, 2002 at 2:34:41 PM CEST



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Chronistin, July 18, 2002 at 2:37:48 PM CEST


't would be great!


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oj, July 18, 2002 at 2:44:23 PM CEST

it's the cooles!


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gHack, July 18, 2002 at 2:45:29 PM CEST

Excellent Idea, Hannes. Thank you!


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hns, July 18, 2002 at 2:51:14 PM CEST

I feel a general trend towards acceptance here

so I checked the feature in.


tobi, July 18, 2002 at 3:18:01 PM CEST


this is going a little bit too fast imho... it's not that i would not want this feature in antville (i totally do!) but i'd like to see the source url to be shown whenever an image macro is called for an image that was retrieved this way (as a concession to copyright issues)... i remember we talked about it yesterday. or have you included this already, too?


hns, July 18, 2002 at 3:26:51 PM CEST

I remember (now)

but I think it's the author's job to decide how/if to mention/link the image source. Doing this programmatically really implies something that can't be implied just from the fact that the image comes from a URL.

Besides, the fact that I checked it in does not mean that the feature has to stay in or that the feature stays in in this exact form. What it means is that you can try it out, and of course improve on it, add to it or disable it again.


tobi, July 18, 2002 at 3:39:11 PM CEST

well, sometimes it works better not to delegate a task one is already occupied with... (except for some strategic reasons :)

of course displaying the url is just a symbolic act of showing a reasonable understanding of copyright issues. not more but not less, either. regarding the ease of getting an image from anywhere into antville i am quite sceptic if the maintainers of this site are totally free of any responsibility. you better think twice.


hns, July 18, 2002 at 3:47:28 PM CEST

I don't know if this is a strategic reason

but I just don't want the display-URL feature. I want it the way I implemented it.

Yes, I thought about the potential copyright abuse, but my conclusion is that we don't enable anything that wasn't possible before (we just make it easier), and that there are plenty of unobjectionable uses of this feature (copying one's own images, fair use, etc.) If this is offensive, then so is copy/paste.


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kris, July 18, 2002 at 2:52:27 PM CEST


while your are at it, and in case you haven't done it already, how hard is it to incorporate this proposal?


hns, July 18, 2002 at 3:00:31 PM CEST

wouldn't be hard at all

but I have to do some Hop care now. Thanks for digging it up again, though. Maybe somebody else has time, or I'll do it later.


robert, July 18, 2002 at 3:33:52 PM CEST

i completely forgot about that, thanks kris! i'll implement it.


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robert, July 18, 2002 at 3:15:41 PM CEST

of course

we want it in 1.0 :-) thanks, henso!


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