Antville Project


the following has changed:

  • implemented kris suggestions here and here (thanks, kris!). this should ease image- and file-upload a lot since it's not necessary anymore to specify a name - antville will construct one (this also works with hensos get-image-by-url-function). if a name is already in use, antville will add a number to the name and increase it until an unused name is found. also the checkbox for creating a thumbnail was removed: thumbnails are now created automatically if the width or height of an image are > 100 pixel.
  • it's now possible to enable/disable comments for each story. i reinvoked the until then deprecated commentlink-macro because the link to "place your comment" now disappears if comments are disabled (same with the comment-counter). still wondering if it makes sense to be able to limit comments to contributors, admins ... (btw.: there's a new dbpatch that enables discussions for all existing stories)
  • the input-macro moved from hopobject to global (it never made sense there) and echoes request-values by default).

still to be done: couldn't solve the nasty upload-error reported by smi and several others. any ideas out there?


tobi, July 19, 2002 at 11:37:09 AM CEST

coolio, robert

thanks a lot. i just merged your updates with my current helmaville working copy and the new features really rock (btw. the image grabber by hns, too!).

i'd like to make one tiny suggestion while you just have been at the renderTextPreview function:

how about adding a parameter "filler" (or the like, i am sure there are better names) that is added to the preview if (and only if) the original text exceeds the character limit param?

this would mean that also macro calls do not use suffix=" ..." but e.g. filler=" ..."

the effect would be that texts which do not need to be cut off don't appear with the three dots.

what do you think?


robert, July 19, 2002 at 12:38:35 PM CEST

imo the three dots don't just stand for "cutted text" but also "there's more", and that includes the context of comments or the whole forum beneath a story. so in most cases the dots make sense to me, even if the whole text of an item fits into the history.


tobi, July 19, 2002 at 1:25:09 PM CEST

i see the point if there are comments attached to a story. but what do the three dots stand for if there aren't any?

however, the renderPreviewText function's existence is not only determined by its use in the history list. it also could be used for many occasions and it would be very nice if the function would evaluate the length of the text and add such a filler.

well, i think i'll add it to the helmaville branch, anyway. :)


hns, July 19, 2002 at 1:32:41 PM CEST

while you're at it

maybe you can also fix the bug that the last word is cut off in the preview even if the text is short enough to be displayed in whole?


robert, July 19, 2002 at 2:19:58 PM CEST

@hns: that's already fixed (was one of the reasons why i rewrote renderTextPreview())

@tobi: you convinced me, so let's find a nice descriptive attribute-name ("appendix" ?;-)


tobi, July 19, 2002 at 2:58:26 PM CEST

appendix sounds like blinddarm... ;-)

what about omission? ellipsis? myself i am not convinced of any of these terms...

another thing, robert: why did you add format() to the result of renderTextPreview()? imho this messes up the history when there are linebreaks in a story.


robert, July 19, 2002 at 3:02:35 PM CEST

me neither ;-)

reg. format in renderTextPreview: f***, i knew i forgot something. I'll remove it. update: it's in CVS.


hns, July 19, 2002 at 3:08:07 PM CEST

cutoff maybe? sounds like kartoffel.


tobi, July 19, 2002 at 3:18:46 PM CEST


or truncation hits the mark, imho. clipping would be good, too.


robert, July 19, 2002 at 3:23:21 PM CEST

cutsuffix? limitsuffix?


hns, July 19, 2002 at 3:24:30 PM CEST

+1 for truncate

sounds better than all the other options.

it doesn't precisely describe the role of the attribute like the *suffix proposals do, but I think on the whole it's easier to understand.


... comment
kris, July 19, 2002 at 11:45:20 AM CEST

about the upload error

first off, thanks for these features.

apparently these errors only occur when you scale some strange gifs. maybe you can simply use a default tumbnail for "preview not available" in those cases where you can't create a thumbnail.


robert, July 19, 2002 at 11:48:47 AM CEST

the problem is that i can't catch the error, so if it' thrown it appears (and therefor the whole process stops).


... comment
hns, July 19, 2002 at 11:48:25 AM CEST



Regarding the image upload error: The reduceColors() function which causes the error is from the JIMI library. I can probably replace this by something out of the standard Java class library, but I'm not very fluent with that at the moment. I'll have a look at the docs.


robert, July 19, 2002 at 12:40:02 PM CEST

would be nice, hannes. due to my lack of java-knowledge i can only guess where and why the error happens, but i'm far from solving it ;-)


... comment

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