Antville Project

Sunday, 22. July 2001


finally i had some time to work on antville (thank god there are weekends ;-), and this is the result:

  • i hope there is no confusion about "where will my comment appear?" anymore: there is now a seperate page for adding a toplevel-comment
  • the commentcounter-macro now counts the comments, and not the threads (there has to be a reason why i called it this way ;-)
  • the bigger change: authors can now define who is allowed to edit a story they created using a select-box in story-editor. 'til now there is no story-locking done so concurrent-editing-conflicts are possible ...
  • choosing the userlevel of a member is now done also with a select-box instead of two checkboxes.
  • stories/comments in the recently changed-list get now the first words of the text if there's no title
  • the text-preview ends now with the next space reached, not exactly at the limit specified
  • bugfixes included (and i hope i didn't create any new bugs ;->
Due to some changes to existing macros there might be difficulties with existing weblogs, at least i tried to keep the backwards-compatibility ... and i didn't update the documentation of macros ...

ok, so now i'm heading into barcelona's nightlife!

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July 2001
zfuture's house here is zfuture's
by zfuture (7/31/03, 2:59 AM)
i understand your concerns however,
i hardly can think of a solution. certainly, if the...
by tobi (7/29/03, 9:47 AM)
Found several more similar sites
listed This is getting to be quite a concern to...
by cobalt123 (7/27/03, 7:56 PM)
Second Post Alert on Referrer
bug livecatz I put this into "help" and now here:...
by cobalt123 (7/26/03, 7:14 PM)
well it's not easy to
find from here, anyway. think we should include a link,...
by tobi (7/24/03, 11:25 AM)
So finally I found
the helma Bugzilla - stupid me.
by mdornseif (7/24/03, 10:28 AM)
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by kohlehydrat (7/23/03, 8:25 PM)
but isn't can't really
be rated as spam can it?
by kohlehydrat (7/23/03, 8:08 PM)
More referrer spam
by Irene (7/23/03, 7:55 PM)
How to log skin names
I accessed to console?? Hi, I would like to know...
by winson (7/23/03, 4:12 PM)

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