Antville Project

Saturday, 5. January 2002


i just committed a new update of antville into CVS which is somehow "experimental" for me:

  1. helma's feature of prototype-inheritance made it possible to store stories and comments in the same database-table ("TEXT") instead of two separate ones. this made things alot easier, and should also for the implementation of keyword-search-functionality (kudos to hns, i used prototype-inheritance for the first time, this really rocks!) following this:
  2. inside topics the list of "backlinks" has changed also: the list now contains single stories or comments linking into a topic (until now just topics linking into another topic were listed, but not comments linking into a topic).
  3. every list-page now can contain some kind of "scroll-navigation", meaning that within those pages one can insert links to "previous page" and "next page" (if existing) somewhere in a skin. this also works inside topics, story-, image- and goodiepool (each of them displays 10 entries per page which is hardcoded for now). for this i introduced two new global skins ("prevpagelink" and "nextpagelink"). with this feature one can now also create a weblog without a calendar, just with prev- and nextpage-navigation, choose a mixture of both or stay with calendar-based archive-navigation. the interval of scrolling is different for weblog-frontpage and day-page: for the former it's dependent on what you define for "number of days on frontpage", for the latter it's always one day. the nice thing with this is that you can place those links in any skin you want to ...
  4. the form for story-editing/creation now shows a dropdown containing already existing topics plus a text-field for entering new topics. should make things easier.

there's a new db-patch-file included in cvs which stories existing stories and comments in the new table "TEXT" (this patch does not drop the tables "STORY" and "COMMENT", so you can step back if something happens). i hope i didn't introduce new bugs, and please tell me what you think about those changes.

and the next days are filled with writing documentation for antville together with motz (after all, i'm on holiday ;-)

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January 2002
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