Antville Project

Wednesday, 6. February 2002

Stupid questions Part I

I am an absolute newbie of all this html and macro stuff (so I am reflecting most of your potential new users if this weblog stuff gets more public?) and I have 2 questions for the moment:

  1. Login "remember me" function. I have the impression that the password is only rememberd until I change any skins (I didn't delete any cookies and/or temporary internet files!). Anybody else has this problem?

  2. I tried to change the background color in my header but it didn't work. I can enter the bgcolor code wherever I want, but antville ignores it. I surfed through other logs and noticed that most of the logs have only one bgcolor for the whole log. Is the bgcolor entered in the preferences "overruling" any other code? Am I not alone with this "problem"?

Thanks in advance for any clue! voice

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Richtig public

Gibt es eine Möglichkeit ein weblog richtig public zu machen, soll heißen jeden User (auch ohne non-antville members) die Veröffentlichung von Stories (und/oder auch comments) zu ermöglichen.

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Blogger API

Ist bei der Neuauflage irgend etwas an dem Blogger API geändert worden? Bekomme folgende Fehlermeldungen von der Manila Blogger Bridge:

Can't open stream because TCP/IP error code -3259 - Connection timed out.

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Antville updates

The Antville page shows the last 25 updates. That's about eight hours or even less because we have so much traffic. What about showing the last 40 or 50 updates? This would be more convenient for those users who don't have a look at the antville page three times a day.

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antville & odbc

inspired by the discussion at, i tried to connect antville with a microsoft access database via odbc on win2k.

this is what i did so far:

  1. downloaded and installed myodbc 2.5 driver.
  2. imported antville mysql database into access database file antville.mdb.
  3. created system dsn "antville" using access driver and referring to the antville.mdb with u/p permissions antville/antville.
  4. set-up antville's like this: antville.url=jdbc:odbc:antville antville.driver=sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver antville.user=antville antville.password=antville.
  5. restarted hop.bat.
everything went fine until pointing the browser to antville main where i get a "resultset is closed" error with every select statement. this error occured under both, 1.31 and 1.4rc, tested java versions.

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February 2002
zfuture's house here is zfuture's
by zfuture (7/31/03, 2:59 AM)
i understand your concerns however,
i hardly can think of a solution. certainly, if the...
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Found several more similar sites
listed This is getting to be quite a concern to...
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Second Post Alert on Referrer
bug livecatz I put this into "help" and now here:...
by cobalt123 (7/26/03, 7:14 PM)
well it's not easy to
find from here, anyway. think we should include a link,...
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So finally I found
the helma Bugzilla - stupid me.
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clock not that it's particularly
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by kohlehydrat (7/23/03, 8:25 PM)
but isn't can't really
be rated as spam can it?
by kohlehydrat (7/23/03, 8:08 PM)
More referrer spam
by Irene (7/23/03, 7:55 PM)
How to log skin names
I accessed to console?? Hi, I would like to know...
by winson (7/23/03, 4:12 PM)

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