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Thursday, 13. March 2003
March 13, 2003 at 11:16:23 AM CET
Changes 2003-03-12
March 13, 2003 at 9:53:36 AM CET
We're seeing problems at antville.org with Helma dying on segmentation faults in regular intervals, causing antville.org sites to be unreachable. We hope to fix the problem in the course of the day.
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Wednesday, 12. March 2003
March 12, 2003 at 5:42:02 PM CET
IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT Tonight, 2003-03-12, Antville (the software) here at Antville (the website) will be updated (hopefully :) Thus, Antville.org and the weblogs hosted here most likely won't be accessible for the time between 1800 and 1900 CET. Sorry for the inconvenience and thanks for your understanding. Update: I'd say it's looking good. Is still everything working, though?
March 12, 2003 at 6:26:40 AM CET
ah! what happened? okay, i was unable to log in for a while, then my text centered itself for no reason. so i thought, hey lets reset the stylesheet. bad move, dude. now my site is ruined. any help? should i start from scratch? / e. okay, i was missing a < tag , so thats why everything in mystyle sheet was visible as text, but i still am messing it up / erk Tuesday, 11. March 2003
March 11, 2003 at 7:29:10 PM CET
not allowed to edit/change skins of my own blog ok this is really weird. i can't access the /skins or /edit pages of my own blog. i get the error "Sorry, you need to be administrator of this weblog to edit skins" but it's MY blog! =( anyone knows what's wrong? any help would be much appreciated.. thanks! ps: i haven't been following the discussion thread for a damn long time.. but looks like antville's been doing major changes. so if this qns has been asked before, sorry for asking it again =) tschüs!
March 11, 2003 at 9:35:57 AM CET
url umleitung hat sich erledigt.
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Monday, 10. March 2003
March 10, 2003 at 3:23:46 PM CET
recently box | opera 7.01 yesterday and today morning it looked fine and now its messed up again - but not at the project blog what happened or do i have to change my skin? have a look: easa.antville.org thx for any suggestions, mark0 ... Next page
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