Antville Project

Friday, 18. April 2003

AntChess 0.9

wurde released :)

mehr dazu unter:

have fun

***** snip ***** Also hier kommt die erste Version von AntChess



  1. .zip Archiv downloaden

  2. AntClick, oder Helma installieren

  3. das applikationsverzeichnis "antchess" nach /apps verschieben

  4. das images verzeichnis nach /static/images

  5. in den antchess antchess.mountpoint = /antchess hinzufügen

  6. helma starten

  7. die applikation sollte dann über: erreichbar sein.


  1. Neues Spiel beginnen:
  • Um, ein neues Spiel zu beginnen muß man ein Weblog mit der Berechtigung zum erstellen neuer Stories haben.
  • Die entsprechenden Daten in das Formular eintragen.
  • Auf Spiel anlegen klicken
  • Den ersten Zug machen
  • Auf "veröffentlichen" klicken - !!! zum weblog beitrag gehen, und die story für andere editierbar machen (contrbutor, subscriber) !!!
  1. In ein bereits bestehendes Spiel einsteigen
  • jetzt kann jemand anderer in das bestehende Spiel einsteigen
  • wenn dieser die berechtigung hat die story zu editieren
  • die entsprechenden daten in das formular eintragen
  • und den spielzug machen
  1. Liste meiner Spiele
  • dort sieht man seine spiele
  • auf aktualisieren klicken, damit die daten von den weblogs abgeholt werden, und man den nächsten spielzug machen kann


***** snip *****

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Thursday, 17. April 2003

Antville DB export script 0.0.1

So here's a simple Antville DB export script as promised yesterday. It lets you export existing Antville data from one database (say, the embedded Mckoi database in Antclick) to another (say, MySQL).

Here are the steps to take. I assume that you'll be migrating from Antclick/Mckoi to Mysql, but with a few changes it will work in any direction.

  1. Update your installation of Antville to Helma 1.2.4 by downloading helma.jar and saving it to the lib directory of your antville installation (make a backup copy of the old version before)
  2. Make sure you have a database driver for the new database you want to use. If it is MySQL, you can download the JDBC driver from the MySQL web site. Place the driver .jar file into the lib/ext folder of your installation.
  3. Set up MySQL and import antville_mysql.sql, which you should find zipped up inside apps/antville/ This can be done with

    mysql -u root -p < /path/to/antville_mysql.sql

    You should be prompted for the mysql root password. You might want to change the antville user password (IDENTIFIED BY 'antville') in the GRANT statement at the beginning of the file before performing this step!

  4. Open file apps/antville/ in your favorite text editor and add the definition for the new database with the name antville-new:

    # Properties of antville datasource antville.url=jdbc:mckoi:local://./db.conf antville.driver=com.mckoi.JDBCDriver antville.user=admin antville.password=entwil

    antville-new.url=jdbc:mysql://localhost/antville antville-new.user=antville antville-new.password=antville

    Note that you might need to change the last line (antville-new.password=xxx) if you changed the password in step 3. The jdbc:mysql: URL may also look slightly different depending on your setup.

  5. Download the following file and save it as apps/antville/root/export.hac

    export (application/octet-stream, 2 KB)

  6. Start up Antville, open your browser and point it to http://localhost:8080/export (with http://localhost:8080/ being the home page of your Antville installation). If you get a page with many yellow lines and no mention of the word "error", you're 90% done.
  7. Stop Antville and open file apps/antville/ again. This time, you remove the original lines and change the lines you added in step 4 from "antville-new" to "antville":

    antville.url=jdbc:mysql://localhost/antville antville.user=antville antville.password=antville

The next time you start Antville, you should be running with your new database. If not, something went wrong. In any case, I'd be curious to hear.

link (8 comments

Wednesday, 16. April 2003

MySQL instead of McKoi


don't want to bother again, but I'd like to switch to MySQL and did not figure it quite out.

I used from ./apps/antville/db_support and copied it to ./apps/antville/ This does not seem to cut the deal.

There is a script called antville_mysql.sql which creates the tables and user/pass in MySQL, how is this executed? Did I miss something?

Thank you!

link (6 comments

Tuesday, 15. April 2003

File size upload limit

Playing around with my own antville installation, I discovered that there is a upload limit of both files and images of 1024kb. Is it possible to change this?

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test title

test text



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suse 8.1 & java 1.4

you mentioned problems with suse 8.1 and java 1.4. can you confirm these problems or was it the damaged memory that caused the crashes here on

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Monday, 14. April 2003

folders branch

I finally committed my folders code to CVS. You can check it out by updating antville to branch "folders". I'm not 100% sure I didn't forget anything, but I'll find out later today when I try it from home. Feedback and collaborators are highly welcome.

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