Antville Project

Saturday, 3. May 2003

same db for folders branch?

I'm going to try out the folders branch today. I just skimmed the CVS through the web interface, and there are no recent folder-specific updates in the db_support directory. Does this version use the exact same db tables as the main branch? Could I even replace an existing Antville installation with the folders version, on top of an existing db?

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Thursday, 1. May 2003

New 'skinset' branch

I've started a new branch in Antville CVS dedicated to the skinset ideas I posted a few days ago. So far, there's only a db update script, a new skinset prototype and the modified type mappings for skinmgr and skin. There's currently no skinset/skin editing code yet, but after doing the update your site should look just like it did before, thanks to this little hack.

Todo: Add skinset references to site and story, add skinset selector boxes to site preferences and story editor, move skin editing code from skinmgr to skinset, add "edit skinset" list and "create new skinset" link to skinmgr. That should be it.

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Tuesday, 29. April 2003

How to install ANTCLICK with MySQL and Apache

Hi there - this is a beginners question.

I am very interested in setting up antville on my server for testing and maybe more by using the antclick installation. The antclick installation worked well - but I want to switch this to use it with MySQL and Helma embedded into Apache web server. Is there any detailed documentation for this. It is difficult for me to find out the things behind like where to store the infos for the MySQL database and what do I have to do then...

Thank you.

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Thursday, 24. April 2003

another trick (rewriting urls with apache)

it's actually not a trick. i just figured out that you need to load and add the rewrite modul after the jk modul. maybe some of you will need this when they want nice urls for antville with apache.

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Some ideas for antville dev

These are ideas that have been floating through my head. I'm depositing them here before they evaporate while I'm busy elsewhere.

  • Make the skinmanager a HopObject stored in SQL rather than a mounted HopObject. Rename it to "skinset".

  • At URL /skins, where we now have the skinmanager, put some kind of skinsetmanager that lets people create, manage, and choose between skinsets.
  • Allow each site to have 0..n skinsets.
  • Add a field to skinset that indicates its parent skinmanager. If a skinset is used, its parent skinsets are also added to the skin path.
  • Add fields to sites and stories/folders that let them use one of the available skinmanagers. If unset, the site's standard skinset is used.
  • Eventually do something similar for image and file managers: Let stories and folders have their own local image and file managers.

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Wednesday, 23. April 2003

helma, apache and suse, easy

i figured out that it is easier to set up helma and apache on suse 8.4. then described here.

  1. follow item 2 und 3 from here
  2. edit /etc/httpd/modules/tomcat such that the last line reads Include:/[path/to]/jk/mod_jk.conf
  3. use yast to configure your server to use tomcat. (remark: of course, you don't use tomcat. this setting only puts this file into the apache config file.)

that's it. make sure you define the mountpoint for antville to the path /helma or whatever you define in mod_jk.conf.

Addition: 4. If you want to use rewrite rules for nice url, move the line LoadModule rewrite_module /usr/lib/apache/ after Include /etc/httpd/suse_loadmodule.conf and the line AddModule mod_rewrite.c after Include /etc/httpd/suse_addmodule.conf

there is only one problem: for some reason the css and js cannot be found. looks like the css and js macro do not take the mountpoint into account.

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Tuesday, 22. April 2003

sitelist und Uhrzeit

Die Uhrzeit bei den per <% sitelist %> angezeigten Weblogs läuft der aktuellen Zeit zwei Stunden hinterher. Vergleiche hier (rechte Spalte) mit der Zeit auf der Antville-Startseite.

Nachtrag: Hat sich wohl erledigt. Ich hab den Menüpunkt "Time Zone" in den Preferences übersehen. Sorry.

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