Antville Project

Wednesday, 5. February 2003

impatience because of inconvenience

With all due politeness, erm, the commentsdump is still broken.

Since quite a few Antville plus quite a few non-Antville blogs use the commentsdump, this is very inconvenient. Really. I've already lost about ten items of waste into nomansland, whereas I'd rather have had them recycled at the dump. I assume others have the same experience.

So, I'll just impatiently renew the request for fixing the Blogger API, so that happy wasting may be available to all again.

Or else, if it'll take much longer, please tell us, then we could perhaps migrate the dump away from antville.


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Tuesday, 4. February 2003

Recently modified?

If you post a story title which contains a link, then you find a link to the URL instead of a link to the post in your recently-modified-box. (I post it here because I don't know if someone has noticed it before. It's no problem, but it does not make sense in the box, I guess.)

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Latest CVS version screws up skin editor...

The latest CVS version of antville breaks the skin editor: instead of getting plain XML code, HTML-escaped XML code is returned:




with devastating effects...

Going back to the version of last Thursday results in a working skin editor again.

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Sunday, 2. February 2003

eMail notification

Hi, ich arbeite gerade an eine eMail Notification für antville. Die idee: - Der Admin soll entscheiden werde eMails bekommen soll nach bestimmten ereignissen, zB new online stories, new comments etc.

Bin gerade etwas ducheinander, ich möchte das nach einem Comment alle Admis u. Contribs ein eMail bekommen. Hab folgendes gemacht:

  • bei .../story/objectFunctions.js eine mail funktion gecht, wie die bei new user+passwrd.
  • in comment.hac mus ich meine mail funktion aufrufen oder?
  • wie soll es weiter gehen? Any ideas? Danke! Jes.

link (3 comments auf antville-basis

Es freut mich hiermit den Start von bekannt geben zu dürfen, einem auf Antville-basierenden Weblog-Service der Firma Knallgrau New Media Solutions. Derzeit befindet sich das Service noch in der Aufbau-Phase, und daher werden auch sämtliche nun angelegten Weblogs entgeltfrei zur Verfügung gestellt. U.a. planen wir aber zukünftig den Betrieb von Weblogs unter einer eigenen Domain, sowie auch den Betrieb von sogenannten "geschlossenen" Weblogs anzubieten. Alles Nähere dann aber auf

At this point i only wanted to submit a (more or less complete) list of changes we did on the antville-source code for twoday (besides the modifications of the layout and the general translation to german):

  1. added url-property to site in order to store customized URLs; this allows weblogs to become available under their own domain (after configuring Apache accordingly)
  2. implemented a new story-editor based on this Thread here (thanks to 'InterfaceDesigner', whoever she is);
  3. moved all non-site-processes (login, register, create new site) into a popup, which is *not* customizable by the owner of a site
  4. added argument 'fallback' to image-macro: in order to display a default weblog-icon
  5. added global function crop which takes an image and automaticalle resizes & crops an image to the desired size; this is used so that users who are not familiar with resizing & cropping can also easily upload their header-images and icon-images
  6. added "image/x-icon" as additional allowed image type to upload
  7. slightly changed behavior of, and param.more for commentcounter-macro; and now do not automatically prepend "0", resp "1" before the text
  8. added title_macro for topics
  9. commentlink-macro ("place your comment") is just displayed if user is already logged in
  10. added global renderInputRadio()-function
  11. added filesize-property for image; added getDiskUsage() for site; added quota-restrictions for uploading images & files; added diskusage-info to sysmgr
  12. modified global/formatTimestamp(): added format='verbose' which uses getAge()
  13. added parameter "limit" to site/title_macro for clipping (site/macros.js)
  14. implemented activation of user accounts; (users receive an email with an activation link, resp. code which confirms the validity of their email-adress)
  15. implemented getStoryByID() function on root-level in order to get rid of the (possibly very large) storiesByID-container
  16. added messages to syslog when adding a new user or a new site

Please let me know, which of the above (if any) you think should become part of Antville, i.e. which of the changes should be submited to the CVS. A big shout-out to the honorable and brave Antville-developers for providing such a wonderful piece of software! Thanks again!

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Saturday, 1. February 2003


hi for begin!

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Blogger API trouble

There seems to be a problem with the Blogger API interface here on This is the error message I get when trying a blogger.newPost call at

FESI.Exceptions.EcmaScriptException: Conversion to object unsupported by null detected at line 9 of function 'isDenied' in file: 'storymgr/securityFunctions.js' called at line 31 of function 'newPost' in file: 'root/bloggerapi.js'

Any chance on getting this fixed? The Comments Dump is rather dependent on blogger.newPost ...

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February 2025
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