Antville Project

Sunday, 15. June 2003

date selection

Hi, antville seems to be a very cool software. I just started to read the source code and I'm very impressed about the clean code!

Well, there is one thing that I'm missing: a drop down list in stories/create for date selection. I don't want to use antville as a blogging software, but a public calender for my peer group.

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Wednesday, 11. June 2003

Update to Helma 1.2.5+

Helma 1.2.5 has a few bugs which have been fixed in the meantime, so I decided to update to the current Helma snapshot.

Login problems should now be gone for most people. If this is not the case, let me know. Also, the system management console is now working again (admins only).

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Problems logging in on

I'm currently investigating reports from people unable to log in on If you are experiencing this problem, you can help getting it fixed. Simply go to this page, copy the "Request Headers" table in that page and send it along with a short description of the problems you're having to via email to


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Tuesday, 10. June 2003

Update to Helma 1.2.5

I'm planning to update to helma 1.2.5 later today. (The only user-noticeable differences should be slightly more comfortable newline formatting.) Any objections or concerns?

Update: We're now running Helma 1.2.5. Please let us know if you experience anything strange or uncommon.

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Monday, 9. June 2003

any unused weblogs out there?

I'm quite sure about the fact that this is not the right place to ask a question like that - but hey, there are just a few right places in life.

so: has anybody of you got a fresh and unused antville-weblog which he/she wants to donate to me, so that I can provide a new community-weblog?

please contact me in the comments or via eMail: daniel(at)!


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Monday, 2. June 2003

"Normales" HTML-Verzeichnis unter JkMount


ist wahrscheinlich nicht das richtige Forum dafür, aber ich habe im Netz keine Antwort gefunden - und zwar folgendes: ich habe Antville via Apache und mod_jk direkt an das "Root"-Directory einer Domain angebunden (JkMount /). D.h. wenn ich ansteuere, ist natürlich Antville da. Nun möchte ich aber in einem Unterverzeichnis (z.B. eine normale html-Site serven, nur kommt dann eine Fehlermeldung, da mod_jk glaubt, alle Verzeichnisse unter dem sind Applets... gibt es hier einen Workaround oder habe ich nur etwas Grundlegendes übersehen? Rewrite funkt nicht, da die rewritete URL wieder bei mod_jk landet.

muchas gracias!

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Tuesday, 27. May 2003

Die Punktwertung im Einzelnen

Antclick rockt.

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The Antville Server Fund has been a great success. Thanks to everybody who contributed!
online for 8639 Days
last updated: 1/4/11, 10:22 AM
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February 2025
zfuture's house here is zfuture's
by zfuture (7/31/03, 2:59 AM)
i understand your concerns however,
i hardly can think of a solution. certainly, if the...
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listed This is getting to be quite a concern to...
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Second Post Alert on Referrer
bug livecatz I put this into "help" and now here:...
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well it's not easy to
find from here, anyway. think we should include a link,...
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So finally I found
the helma Bugzilla - stupid me.
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but isn't can't really
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How to log skin names
I accessed to console?? Hi, I would like to know...
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